DPP stands for Declaration of Peace for Palestine 
We The Undersigned member states of Suuh Kingdom of Arabia (SKA) with parliament that operate as International Bureau of Corporations (IBECO) and Global Muslim Alliance (GMA) in support for peaceful measures that ensures independence and sovereignty of the state of Palestine from Israel, America, Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, etc , and international community Declare IN THE NAME OF ALLAH (GOD) MOST MERCIFUL THE COMPASSIONATE (BISMI LLAH RAHMAN RAHEEM) THAT:

1). THAT: Independence of the State of Palestine

15th May is Independence Day for the State of Palestine with Jerusalem as capital and borders of 1967 determined and confirmation by United Nations clearly witnessed and documented as Borders of the state of Palestine. Independence for the state of Palestine means Re-birth of a beautiful new Nation that will take her new name upon raising the flag of independence as “THE SUUH KINGDOM OF ARABIA (SKA) المملكة العربيّة السّوحيّة free from all kinds of oppression, aggression, intimidation, occupation and fear, a sovereign state that will give birth to the return of her children in their homeland by the will and command of Allah Subhanahu Wataala, that return to their homeland shall forever be a bliss of celebration of His praises thanking Him for His mercy and compassionate for restoration of holiness and tranquillity upon the holy land blessed for the entire world as mentioned in the holy Quran upon raising the flag of independence for the state of Palestine.

2).THAT: Holiness of Masjidil Aqsa, Dome of the Rock and Jerusalem

The government of the state of Palestine that will take a new Name upon raising the flag of Independence as Suuh Kingdom of Arabia (SKA)المملكة العربيّة السوحيّة will and forever shall always protect, preserve and observe the sanctity of Dome of the Rock, Masjidil Aqsa, as holiest places of worship, and Jerusalem as a holy land of Islam by making special rules and regulations in the Constitution of the state of Palestine that protect, Preserve and observe the sanctity of Masjidil Aqsa and Dome of the Rock as one place of worship with Jerusalem as a holy land in accordance with Islamic sharia law that gives Masjidil Aqsa, Dome of the Rock, and Jerusalem precedence as the third holiest Mosque of Islam as first Qibla (direction for Salat five mandatory prayers and other prayers) of Islam according to the holy Quran. These facts acknowledge the establishment of undeniable precedence of the statutory corporate body in charge of Masjidil Aqsa of the Dome of the Rock over all other entities of the same kind of statutory bodies in the world. The Authorities in charge of Masjidil Aqsa , Dome of the Rock and Jerusalem will allow believers with certainty of holiness for Jerusalem to access their holy places of worship as it is and it has always been Church of holy sepulchre for Christians, Western wall for Jews, Masjidil Aqsa and Dome of the Rock for Islam and Muslims.

3). THAT: Palestine Defence Force (PDF)

Upon Independence of the state of Palestine, Hamas, Al-Fatah, including any other militias are integrated into National army of Palestine that will forever be the national defence forces of the state of Palestine that keeps law and order, observe and maintain the sovereignty of the State of Palestine for international relations in accordance with international community border control standards, and in accordance with seasonal agreements between two sovereign states as government operations seemed necessary.

4). THAT: Election of leaders for the new state of Palestine

On the eve of Declaration of Independence for the state of Palestine, Imam Mahad Sadiqul Amin who is the Sultan of Suuh Kingdom of Arabia (SKA) will officially release Names of chosen leaders appointed by him in accordance with Allah’s will by the guidance of Our Master Sayidina Jibrael aleih salaam who will guide on the system of governance for the new state of Palestine. The names of chosen leaders and their leadership positions will be announced publicly with system of governance upon raising the flag of independence for the state of Palestine as part of the ceremonies of that day Inshallah.

5). THAT: Diplomacy for the State of Palestine

The Suuh Kingdom of Arabia (SKA) member states endorse the state of Palestine as an independent state as of 15th May and with possible means committed to do the following for independent state of Palestine: ·Officially, initiate diplomatic relations and Have their embassies Jerusalem as the Capital city of the state of Palestine. Financially support infrastructure development · Provide skilled labor · Enter into treaties of border control, business, Defense, etc. ·   Coordination in sending Palestinian refugees back to Palestine willingly without using any methodology resulting to use of force, this means their refugee status in those countries will not be affected. · As sovereign countries wish to do in accordance with international laws. · Participate in negations with Israel as well as other countries in support of the state of Palestine.

6). THAT: International Relations

If a member state of SKA is attacked by non-member state of SKA, all SKA member states must fight together to protect the sovereignty of SKA member state being attacked. And if SKA member state attack another SKA member state, negotiations will immediately be conducted between two conflicting SKA member states to resolve their problem peacefully. But if SKA member state does not comply with peaceful means of resolving conflict, SKA membership will be terminated and forceful means will be used by all other SKA member states against non-compliant SKA member state.


Member state of SKA must and shall always commission within their Capital and any other desired land within their borders the International diplomacy of the Suuh Kingdom of Arabia (SKA) that shall be called: THE ROYAL HIGH COMMISSION OF SUUH KINGDOM OF ARABIA (SKA) with all rights, freedom and privileges of an independent state upon signing this Declaration of Peace for Palestine (DPP) in accordance with the following terms and conditions: Any country immediately becomes a member state of Suuh Kingdom of Arabia (SKA) upon signing this Declaration of Peace for Palestine (DPP) either by partnership of International Bureau of Corporations (IBECO) or by activating operations of Global Muslim Alliance (GMA) or both, and shall be called SKA member state. The SKA member state shall and will always facilitate the Commission with property(s) that will be used as official international diplomatic address(s) of Suuh Kingdom of Arabia (SKA), facilitate SKA diplomats with international Diplomatic status including their families with remunerations that covers monthly wages, homes, security, healthy, travel expenses, transport, and all operational costs to carry out their duties of SKA commission of Member state. The Governor and Imam may be citizens or permanent Residents of SKA member state, the Khalifah and Commissioner must be from Suuh Kingdom of Arabia (SKA). All diplomats of SKA are appointed by Imam Mahad Sadiq Al-Amin who is the Sultan of Suuh Kingdom of Arabia (SKA) with recommendation of SKA Member State. · The number of diplomats may increase depending on the size of operations at the Royal high commission of Suuh Kingdom of Arabia in a Member state. · The member state shall and will always take part in contribution of financial Aid to Suuh Kingdom of Arabia (SKA) for Operations of International Bureau of Corporations (IBECO) &Global Muslim Alliance (GMA). Member states shall and will always organize International Bureau of Corporations (IBECO) and Global Muslim Alliance (GMA) summit once a year rotating with in member states at the expense of hosting member state that may be on request shared by willing member state(s).  

8).THAT: Official Language and Religion

The Official language of the state of Palestine is and shall always be Arabic language and the Religion is Islam. All other languages will be translated into Arabic, and all other religions shall have their rights and freedom of worship in accordance with Sharia. The executive may add on other languages to be considered official languages including English, French, Russian, and more according to majority usage of that language inside or outside the state of Palestine. Official languages must not exceed 10 languages.

9). THAT: Currency

The Legal Tender applied as money or Currency for the state of Palestine shall and will always be printed in Arabic language translated in any other official adopted language preferably English language. Proposed currency for the state of Palestine is Suuh Dinar, Dinar or Suuh Riyaal, Riyal, or Suuh Dirham or Dirham, that will be substituted with any currency as the executive may decide before availability of adopted currency for the state of Palestine during the process of establishment of the Islamic Reserve Bank of Palestine as the Islamic Central bank that regulates all financial institutions such as Banks, Insurances, etc. 

10) THAT: Wa Billah Tawfique

 (In God We Trust) Allah Subhanahu Wataala (Most Glorified the exalted is He) is the principle witness to this Declaration of Peace for Palestine (DPP) in the presence of His Angels on the Command of Sayidina Jibrael and Angels in his team headed by Sayidina Qasim aleihim Salaam, peace be upon them as implementers of this Declaration of Peace for Palestine (DPP) on the Command of Allah Subhanahu Wataala according to His will. Ameen.  

